
Maximise your super and invest in line with your beliefs

Set up your super for success by getting in the right super fund for you and having a clear plan towards your goals.

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Why consider Islamic Super?

Halal Superannuation Funds offers many benefits to people of all faiths. Right now, there’s a good chance your super is supporting immoral industries without you realising, like alcohol, tobacco, gambling and more. By ensuring your super is Halal, you can have the peace of mind knowing you're supporting positive industries in line with your beliefs.

Our Halal Super Advice can help you in multiple fronts

Our super will most likely be our main source of income throughout the many years of retirement. That’s why it is so important to sort out your super from now to potentially be thousands of dollars better off come retirement.

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Finally sort your super!

Multiple super accounts? Lost super? Not sure if you’re in the right product or investments? We help you organise your super to get it in the right product and investments for you.

Align your super with your beliefs and values

Most super funds invest in harmful industries. At Purewealth, we can manage your super to ensure the investments are Ethical & Halal.

Build a solid super strategy

Unsure which direction your super is heading in? We help you identify your end goals with your super and establish what you have to do to get on track.

Maximise your Islamic super

We help you make the right contributions into super to potentially help you boost your retirement savings, legally minimise tax, identify eligibility for government bonuses and even save for your first home!

Our approach to Islamic Superannuation Advice

We take a personalised approach to superannuation advice which can be broken down into four steps.

Identify your goals and superannuation needs.

We help you identify what it is you want to achieve and what your specific needs are to ensure we find an appropriate solution for you.

Identify your Halal investment preferences

We identify your investment preferences and then focus on meeting your needs by aligning your super with your beliefs and values.

Halal superannuation analysis

We independently compare your current super fund and investments against alternatives to see which is most appropriate for you. This alone can potentially have a huge impact on your final super balance.

Build your superannuation strategy

We deep dive into your available strategies and look for ways to bring you towards your financial goals sooner with a clear plan to get you there.

4 Steps to Financial Success

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Optimise your Halal super

Your super could be one of your largest assets come retirement. This 60 second multiple-choice questionnaire will help you optimise your super in line with your faith. It's fast, simple and free.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your super Halal?

We utilise a 3-Step Ethical Governance Process to ensure the Shariah-Compliance of the funds we use for our clients. This process is summarised as follows:

1. Shariah Rulebook - AAOIFI We follow the leading international Shariah rulebook for investment screening. This rulebook is set by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) and is made up of leading Shariah scholars from around the world.

2. Investment Screening - IdealRatings The investment universe is then screened for Shariah compliant investments to ensure they meet the AAOIFI standards. This is performed by IdealRatings who are a top-tier provider of financial research for Ethical and Islamic Finance Solutions.

3. Shariah Audit & Certification - ISRA Consulting The screened investments and Shariah governance process are then reviewed, audited & certified by an independent Shariah advisory board called ISRA Consulting. International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) are an international consultancy business managed by renowned Shariah experts.

It is only once these investments have gone through this process and been Halal certified will we then use them based on their appropriateness for our clients who are after an Islamic Superannuation Fund.

What makes your super Ethical?

Why should I consider making my super Halal?

Do I have to be a Muslim for my super to be Halal?

Where will my super be invested?

How do you manage my super?

How can I receive superannuation advice?

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