
Is your superannuation Halal?

There’s a good chance that your current superannuation could be Haram.

In this article, you'll learn the key things to check for to identify if your current super fund is permissible in Islam.

Kaan Doluner


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There’s a good chance that your current superannuation could be Haram.

Check to see if you have exposure to ‘defensive’ assets such as regular cash & fixed interest. This is Riba which is Haram. Generally speaking, most superfunds have approximately a quarter of member's superannuation sitting in defensive assets on average.

On top of that, your super could also be invested in harmful industries, such as

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Gambling
  • Conventional Banking
  • Adult Entertainment
  • and more…

If your super’s invested in these industries, which a lot of them are, this means you’re potentially making money from old people gambling away their pension money. Alcoholics who keep buying liquor. Or smokers who contribute towards over 15,000 deaths in Australia every year.

Halal investing on the other hand can be a great positive alternative, and that’s what we specialise in here at Purewealth Services.

We’ve put together powerful solutions for your super and investments which are Halal certified and work hard for you, to help you achieve success in this life and the Hereafter InshAllah.

Book in your Free No-Obligation 20 Min Introductory Call to find out how we can help you purify your superannuation.

General Advice Disclaimer This is general advice only and does not take into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice you should consider its appropriateness regarding your objectives, situation & needs.

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