
Why purify our wealth?

What is wealth purification in Islam and why is it important?

Kaan Doluner


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In Islam, there is a large emphasis on purification.

Why is purification important in Islam? To answer this question, let's look at the Qur'an and Hadiths...

Allah SWT says in The Holy Qur'an "Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves." [Surah Baqarah, 2:222].

There is also authentic Hadith of our Prophet (PBUH) saying "Purity is half of faith..." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 223)

In Islam, we believe that Allah SWT is The Owner of all wealth. By purifying the money that He has blessed us with, this not only pleases Him, but also helps us refrain from sin and increases our Barakah (blessings).

What is wealth purification in Islam?

When you purify something, you are removing filth and impurities. Just like performing Wudu to remove physical impurities, or repentance and worship to remove spiritual impurities.

The same applies to our wealth, where we are removing the tainted Haram components of our finances, and dealing with Halal wealth instead.

Examples Some examples of this may include removing interest from your bank accounts and considering Halal investing instead. Or switching from a traditional superannuation fund that deals with Riba and other Haram industries, to a suitable Islamic Super Fund that meets your financial goals.

Giving Zakat Another important component of wealth purification is giving our due Zakat.

This is the third pillar of Islam and is obligatory for those who are financially able to do so.

The word Zakat means purify, cleanse, blessings and growth. When we pay our Zakat, it purifies, increases and blesses the rest of our wealth.

Free Guide & Chat If you want our free 5 Step Guide to Purify & Multiply Halal Wealth… then head over to the 'Ebooks' section of the Blogs page and grab your free copy!

Alternatively, we recommend getting in touch with our team to have a free chat about how you can get your finances to be Shariah-Compliant and working harder for you, to achieve success in this life and the next InshAllah.

General Advice Disclaimer This is general advice only and does not take into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice you should consider its appropriateness regarding your objectives, situation & needs.

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