Learn and Grow

We publish insightful articles and tips to educate and keep you in the know with everything related to Halal Money Management.

Share Market

How to deal with market volatility

We're bound to have days where the share markets wipes billions of dollars off and your superannuation balance drops... but how should you handle it?

Kaan Doluner




share market





2 mins read

Why purify our wealth?

What is wealth purification in Islam and why is it important?

Kaan Doluner


Share Market

1 mins read

How to deal with market volatility

We're bound to have days where the share markets wipes billions of dollars off and your superannuation balance drops... but how should you handle it?

Kaan Doluner


Share Market

2 mins read

Halal Investing: What makes a stock Halal?

Are you interested in building Halal wealth in a powerful manner where your faith and finances align seamlessly? If so, then the stock market can potentially be a great option for you.

Kaan Doluner



What are the similarities between Ethical Investing and Islamic Finance Principles? - We've got you! 😀

Explore Halal investing, aligning with Islamic principles and ethical guidelines. It discusses various Halal investment options, from shares to REITs and ETFs, promoting financial inclusion and social responsibility. Quranic references underscore the avoidance of harmful practices.

Kaan Doluner



What is RIBA? Why it is prohibited in ISLAM? - We've got you! 😀

The ban on Riba isn't without reason; its effects are widespread. Socially, it leads to more poverty and inequality, while economically, it can cause unstable financial systems marked by cycles of debt and bankruptcy. Learn more about 'Riba' below.

Kaan Doluner



3 mins read

How to Save Thousands in Tax with a Simple Switch to Superannuation

Are you nearing retirement or already retired? If so, you need to know about a powerful strategy within superannuation that could save you thousands in tax. This article will guide you through the benefits of this option, helping you maximise your retirement savings and unlock tax-free earnings and income.

Kaan Doluner



1 mins read

Is your superannuation Halal?

There’s a good chance that your current superannuation could be Haram.

In this article, you'll learn the key things to check for to identify if your current super fund is permissible in Islam.

Kaan Doluner



What does Islam teach about WEALTH? Is it only about MONEY? - We’ve got you! 😀

In Islam, wealth goes beyond just money. It's about earning ethically, spending wisely, and being generous. Wealth includes more than just materials - it's about knowledge, staying healthy, valuing time, and nurturing relationships. Islam teaches us to handle our wealth carefully, help those who need it, and find blessings in both material and spiritual riches.

Kaan Doluner



3 mins read

5 Key Advantages of Setting Halal Financial Goals

Setting Halal financial goals is crucial to true success that’s in harmony with your faith. Without clear objectives, navigating the financial landscape can be like sailing without a compass. It’s time to get on track towards your dream life.

Kaan Doluner



3 mins read

The Influence of Ramadan on Shariah-Compliant Markets

The "Ramadan Effect" on Islamic finance, revealing enhanced market activity and ethical investing during Ramadan, as observed by Purewealth Services. It highlights the growing appeal of Shariah-compliant investments, driven by faith-based and ethical principles, showcasing opportunities for financial growth within Islamic finance.

Kaan Doluner



2 mins read

The Legacy of Khadija (RA)

Dive into the story of Khadija (RA), a beacon of women's financial independence in Islam, showcasing the enduring tradition of women's rights to ownership and business acumen. Here we celebrate Khadija's pivotal role alongside Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the lasting impact of Islamic teachings on empowering women financially. Click to uncover a legacy of female empowerment and resilience.

Kaan Doluner



Are you finding it challenging to grasp the concept of HALAL FINANCE IN AUSTRALIA? - We’ve got you! 😀

Halal Finance in Australia provides Shariah-compliant financial solutions, meeting the needs of Muslims seeking ethical investment options, while also appealing to a broader market interested in socially responsible finance.

Kaan Doluner



Is Zakat necessary and How to do it? – Step by Step

Zakat is more than just giving money. It's a way to make our wealth cleaner and to show care and togetherness in our community.

Zakat includes different things we own, like money, gold, animals, and crops. To figure out how much Zakat to give, we look at what we own and apply the right percentages based on how long we've had it.

Kaan Doluner



What could be the differences between conventional and Islamic financial systems? - We've got you! 😀

Let's Find out, how these systems approach loans and investments, from interest-based norms to profit-sharing principles. Learn why Islamic finance shuns forbidden industries, offering a unique perspective on wealth management.

Kaan Doluner



4 mins read

Islamic Super Industry Shifts: The Importance of Reviewing Your Halal Super Fund

The landscape of Halal superannuation in Australia is witnessing significant shifts, with recent developments that could influence the way many Muslims plan for their future.

Kaan Doluner



What are Halal Investments Funds? What options are available in Australia? - We've got you! 😀

Halal investing in Australia follows Islamic principles, steering clear of prohibited activities while adhering to ethical guidelines. Halal funds provide a range of options, from shares to ETFs, tailored to various risk profiles. Investing in Halal funds reflects Islamic values and supports financial inclusion and social responsibility.

Kaan Doluner
