General Finance

Halal Wealth Map

Halal Wealth Map

Discover your path to true success. This Halal Wealth Map is the first step you should take to achieving both financial success and spiritual fulfilment.

Are you ready to take control of your financial future?

As the saying goes "Failing to plan is planning to fail..." If you haven't set your financial goals yet, now's the time to get started.

In this free guide you’ll discover:

  • Insights into setting Halal financial goals for success and spiritual alignment.
  • Five compelling reasons to establish financial goals, enhancing clarity and purpose.
  • An explanation of SMART goals tailored for Halal finance, with practical examples.
  • Engaging prompts for envisioning a life that balances financial and spiritual goals.
  • Worksheets to effectively organize and plan short to long-term Halal financial objectives.

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