
5-Step Guide to Market Volatility

5-Step Guide to Market Volatility

Learn how to take control of the inevitable market downturns to potentially benefit from them and stay on track towards your goals.

Want to learn how to handle the inevitable market downturns?

We're bound to have days where the share markets wipes billions of dollars off and your superannuation balance drops. When you see this drop, you might panic and decide to switch your funds to something more conservative – like cash. The problem with this is your making important financial decisions based on emotions and not the facts. You’ll see other people selling and you may instinctively follow – even if it’s not necessarily in the right direction. This is often a mistake because by panic selling you are locking in losses and breaking the number one rule of investing – buy low, sell high.

In this guide you’ll learn how to:

  • Take advantage of downturns rather than being a victim of them

  • Remain calm, have peace of mind & direction during the inevitable market downturns

  • Benefit with lower buy in prices and tax saving opportunities

  • Feel prepared for whatever markets throw your way

  • Maximise your money and have more choices in retirement.

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